Pinball 40º (UDK-based game)

Pinball 40º was developed in 2010, between May and July, using Unreal Development Kit, a game engine developed by Epic Games.

Pinball 40º Logo

Pinball 40º is a pinball game based on the Rio de Janeiro state.

The game has as subject the Brazilian aspects, more specifically the Rio de Janeiro state, showing with a comical and critical way, part of its culture, environment and some of its most famous aspects, like favelas, Christ the Redeemer and the police force.

Pinball 40º - showcase

I'm sorry for the weed, I think we're too much funny at the time.

The credits for the programming part goes to Kaique Biancatti, which was extremely dedicated on his role with Unreal Script and Kismet; Felippe Leão toke care of all audio and concept art drawings; Ivan Macedo was responsible for the post-processing and game illumination part; and my engagement was the 3d modeling, texturing and illustration parts, with also some engine work.

Pinball 40º - showcase

That was three months of hard work, which certainly made us experienced in several parts of the game development process, and in first July, when we done with it, we're invited to bring our game at São Paulo Game Show to expose it.

We were very happy seeing all the people playing our game, especially the young ones. We've won some players' advices, which brought us more inspiration and experience to continue our journey.


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About Me

I am a graduating IT student with 2d and 3d modeling experience, currently living in São Paulo, Brazil.

My studies and works involves doing what I like, using my creativity as an artist to create effective applications as an IT student.

Currently available for freelance and contract  jobs.

As an IT student

As a devoted IT student, I use the following technologies:

Programming Languages:

  • Java

    Reflection, JDBC, JSP, JSTL, JSF with Primefaces, JUnit, Android.
  • C#

    .NET Framework.
  • Javascript


  • Markup/Stylesheet Languages:


  • Databases:

    MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, SQLite.

  • System Analysis:

    UML, Entity Relantionship Modelling.

  • Other:

    Design Patterns, SEO and TDD techniques.

As an Artist

As an artist, I work with the following softwares:

  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Autodesk Maya
  • Autodesk 3ds Max
  • Autodesk Mudbox
  • Pixologic Zbrush