Some Unity3D stuff (part 3)

Now I've programmed a spherical gravity test game in C#, using the new 2d features of Unity3D 4.3.

The spaceship movements are based on mouse's side game screen position.

Hope you like it!

BlueprintDao (Java)

BlueprintDao's light-weight JDBC convenience layer framework developed by myself, similar to MyBatis.

"The BlueprintDao is a light-weight JDBC convenience layer. All that can be done in JDBC can also be done on it. It attempts to overcome all the repetitive code, like setting parameters for statements or for retrieving queries; and provide useful tools to build statements, access all entities instances values and properties, transactions and so on."

For more information about it, checkout my GitHub repository.
<br> Para uma descrição em português sobre a BlueprintDao, clique aqui. </br>

All the best!

<br>Introdução ao Desenvolvimento de Jogos</br>

(notas: slides do dia 30 de novembro de 2013; a personagem do vídeo também é minha criação)

Apresentação realizada como parte complementar da matéria de engenharia de software. Considerei relevante compartilhar aqui.

Qualquer dúvida ou sugestão sinta-se livre para entrar em contato comigo!

Um forte abraço!

Some LibGDX stuff (part 1)

Just a basic test using the new Xoppas' 3d api, programmed in Java using the multi-platform game framework LibGDX and tested with a Samsumg Galaxy 5, Android 2.1, plus a nice broken screen effect as you can see.

The 3d models are of my Pinball 40º game converted in .g3db (a more runtime friendly format) with the command line utility fbx-conv.


Some VRay stuff (part 1)

A simple VRay test done with Autodesk Maya in 2012.


Speed sculpting (part 1)

A baby speed sculpting made with Pixologic ZBrush.

Done in approximately 40 minutes.

That's it.

Some concept arts (part 1)

Made in Adobe Photoshop.

(click on images to enlarge)

That's it!

Clash of Science

Well, the Clash of Science was supposed to be an UDK-based game, but it was failed on its initial purpose. At least my 3d models remained as you can see below!

All the concept arts was done by my nice friend Vinicius Loureiro.


Albert Einstein Marie Curie Michael Faraday James Clerk Maxwell


Mob01 Mob02 Mob03 Mob04 Mob05 Mob07 Mob08 Mob11


That's it, see ya!

Some Unity3D stuff (part 1)

All programmed in C#.

A math game like this isn't a bad idea, is it?

Hope you like it!

Nomad (3d)

Another character modeling, all done in Pixologic ZBrush and Adobe Photoshop.

Hope you like it!
See ya!

Some ZBrush sketches (part 1)

Here are some ZBrush sketches, click on image to enlarge.

That's it!

Memes (in 3d)

I had modeled some old internet memes in 2011 only for fun, below you can see them in real time.

Kick-Ass (fan art)

Published by Marvel Comics, Kick-Ass is the main character of the Kick-Ass series.

"Dave Lizewski is a high school student and comic book fan whose dreams inspire him to become a real life superhero, going by the name "Kick-Ass", with no superpowers or training of any kind."

Designed in partnership with André Greati, a very talented artist whose sculpted in clay and designed the Kick-Ass' blueprints.

Pinball 40º (UDK-based game)

Pinball 40º was developed in 2010, between May and July, using Unreal Development Kit, a game engine developed by Epic Games.

Pinball 40º Logo

Pinball 40º is a pinball game based on the Rio de Janeiro state.

The game has as subject the Brazilian aspects, more specifically the Rio de Janeiro state, showing with a comical and critical way, part of its culture, environment and some of its most famous aspects, like favelas, Christ the Redeemer and the police force.

Pinball 40º - showcase

I'm sorry for the weed, I think we're too much funny at the time.

The credits for the programming part goes to Kaique Biancatti, which was extremely dedicated on his role with Unreal Script and Kismet; Felippe Leão toke care of all audio and concept art drawings; Ivan Macedo was responsible for the post-processing and game illumination part; and my engagement was the 3d modeling, texturing and illustration parts, with also some engine work.

Pinball 40º - showcase

That was three months of hard work, which certainly made us experienced in several parts of the game development process, and in first July, when we done with it, we're invited to bring our game at São Paulo Game Show to expose it.

We were very happy seeing all the people playing our game, especially the young ones. We've won some players' advices, which brought us more inspiration and experience to continue our journey.


Some works of 2009

Back to 2009, I enjoyed reading manga series and watching a couple of animes. But, before that I taught myself to work with Maxon Cinema4D and Maxon Bodypaint3D. At the time, I was gifted with a cd containing a complete version of an old Cinema4D's release. I had no internet access, but I was always going to a lan house ( aka internet café or cybercafé ) to download all the Cinema4D manual content and reading at home.

So in this way I have made my first step into the 3d modeling area.

Note: the url is an old one;

I was also addicted to Counter-Strike 1.6 and after several months I caught myself learning about the Valve Hammer Editor, a Valve Software's map creation program, this brought me a big interest to keep with my studies.

Next, I'll post some works of 2010.


Happy new year!

One of the things I have made to honor the compromises for 2014 was my blog's reworking. Now, I'll add more stuff and information about some of my works as a developer and artist. Any suggestions you have, feel free to contact me.

Also, if you find any grammar errors contact me too, my native language is Portuguese and I'm trying to improve my English writing.

Congratulations and welcome!

About Me

I am a graduating IT student with 2d and 3d modeling experience, currently living in São Paulo, Brazil.

My studies and works involves doing what I like, using my creativity as an artist to create effective applications as an IT student.

Currently available for freelance and contract  jobs.

As an IT student

As a devoted IT student, I use the following technologies:

Programming Languages:

  • Java

    Reflection, JDBC, JSP, JSTL, JSF with Primefaces, JUnit, Android.
  • C#

    .NET Framework.
  • Javascript


  • Markup/Stylesheet Languages:


  • Databases:

    MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, SQLite.

  • System Analysis:

    UML, Entity Relantionship Modelling.

  • Other:

    Design Patterns, SEO and TDD techniques.

As an Artist

As an artist, I work with the following softwares:

  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Autodesk Maya
  • Autodesk 3ds Max
  • Autodesk Mudbox
  • Pixologic Zbrush